On March 7, 2017, Hall Equities Group submitted an initial application to the city of Walnut Creek to construct an In-N-Out drive-thru AND Starbucks drive-thru
(AND a bar, AND offices) on the corner of North Main Street and Second Avenue.
Hall Equities Group is the same developer of the Sprouts shopping center as well as the 24 Hour Fitness/Chik-Fil-A development.
BOTH of these locations have notoriously inadequate parking and traffic issues and are in very close proximity to this location.
Larkey Park Neighbors United was formed by a group of concerned neighbors who opposed this kind of development on this site.
We do not oppose development.
We do not oppose these businesses.
We DO oppose putting a drive-thru on a location that is not zoned or suitable for a drive-thru.
Good News Update!
April 27, 2017:
Hall Equities Withdraws Application For
In 'n Out and Starbuck's Drive-Thru Development!
This drive-thru development will
negatively impact our quality of life!
More TRAFFIC on already congested narrow residential streets, and more cares on N. Main which is already a traffic nightmare for residents, other businesses and commuters alike.
More POLLUTION! High volumes of idling cars pushing out fumes morning and night from TWO busy drive-thrus is not healthy.
More Congestion and noise at a vital entrance to, and exit from, a quiet RESIDENTIAL neighborhood.
More FAST FOOD in an area already over-saturated with fast & quick serve options.
If a Drive-Thru on this site (2nd & N. Main) is unacceptable to you...