Below are links to the Zoom recordings of the both nights of candidate panels hosted by Larkey Park Neighbors United (LPNU). The video links include the chat text, which has candidate websites and/or contact information, and questions and comments submitted by those in attendance.
Larkey Park Neighbors United is not endorsing any candidates for this election, but we encourage you to view the videos, attend other candidate events and forums, do your own research, register to vote, and make a voting plan for all the races and the propositions you are eligible to vote on.
Here is a good resource to search for your ballot and voting information by your address and to learn more about what's on your ballot this November. Remember there are THREE seats up for Walnut Creek City Council this year and eight candidates - three incumbents and five challengers. The top three vote-getters will be seated for four years starting in 2021. On a five person city council, three seats are a voting majority.
Monday night we welcomed Kurtis Reese, Justin Wedel, and Cindy Darling. Michael Samson, the 4th candidate that was scheduled canceled.
Tuesday evening we welcomed Lauren Talbert, Loella Haskew, Kevin Wilk, and Hailey Ayres.