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  • Larkey Park Neighbors

Hall Equities Appeals Decision - We Need You Again To Show Up - March 3

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

Well,'s not over until it's over. And it's not over yet.

Hall Equities has decided to appeal the decision to deny them a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a drive-thru at 2nd Ave and N. Main.

The city council of Walnut Creek will hear their appeal on Tuesday March 3rd -- yes, that's election day -- and we need your help. We need you to show up to make sure the city council doesn't undo all the work we've done together with the businesses to assure this drive-thru doesn't happen.

There is no justifiable reason to overturn the decision of the planning commission. None.

Countless hours of work by the design review commissioners, the planning commissioners, and the community went into hearing this developer, once again, and again, attempt to put a drive-thru where it's not wanted, not safe, and not allowed. Yet, they persist and continue to insist that a drive-thru is an appropriate use for this lot.

It's not.

The neighbors of Larkey Park overwhelmingly do not want a drive-thru at this location. The existing businesses on and off N. Main do not want a drive-thru at 2nd and N. Main. And to the credit of the city planning and design review commissioners and the neighborhood, a CUP was again denied. Please mark your calendars now for March 3rd to show up, hopefully one last time, to express your support of the decision of the commissioners to deny a drive-thru on 2nd Ave.

Tell the city council that there is no good reason to over-turn this decision.

Tell the city council that saying YES to Hall Equities again will only result in the same mess they allowed them to create in the Sprouts Plaza and Chick-Fil-A/24 Hour Fitness.

Tell the city council to listen to Larkey Park neighbors and listen to the commissioners and uphold the decision to say NO to more safety issues, more traffic hassles, and more development that doesn't follow the guidelines of the city plan or the permitted uses for this parcel.

The planning commission, the neighbors said NO to a drive-thru here. Come show your support for that decision, scheduled on March 3 at city hall.

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